Illusionary Tales (2021)
This production, comprised of three short plays derived from various folk tales, employed the use of Pepper’s Ghost effect. During the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic, actors were unable to perform onstage together, so we devised a plan to bring actors into the same space through the use of cameras and projections. The actors were able to interact in real time, albeit from different theater spaces, and their performance was live-streamed for audiences.
This was my first project working with cameras and projectors, so I learned a lot about how light interacts with both. I constantly adjusted intensity levels and color to help it seem as though the characters were in the same location. I worked closely with the costume designers, as we navigated moments when characters’ legs would disappear because their pants were too dark. Overall, this was a very educational production to be a part of.
Programmed on EosTi console.
Director: Tony Gunn, David Morgan, Adam Houghton
Costume Design: Dennis Wright, Kuang Lee, Jenna Monson
Scenic Design: Elisabeth Goulding, Rachel Olson
Hair/Makeup Design: Kuang Lee, Jenna Monson, Abi Nielsen
Photography: Rebekah Baker